Sometimes, there is nothing more powerful than a concentrated format, to really shift something quickly. This is done as a private or semi-private format. Either you come to Maui or Oahu (a hardship, I know)- or you have me come to you. This is for men, women, and couples. We would have a discussion to determine what kinds of things you’d like to be learning, for how many hours, over how many days. The shortest would be over 2 days, 6 hours of teaching and a meal or two. The longest would be over 5 days. Housing can be included, or you can decide to find your own accommodations, and I would come to you. All modalities of teaching and session work would be available during these immersions.
IF you want the presence of the Divine Masculine included, then Hawaii would be the place. Here, I have the honor of including my teaching partner Paul McCurdy for part or all of this immersion. Having the presence of both of us, definitely empowers both the masculine and feminine streams of wisdom, and together, the sessions can be very powerful. If you are interested in learning as a couple, this is a great way to template the kinds of healing and awakening that you can gift each other with. Together, we have decades of experience in guiding both of you into your highest gifts.
If you are single- then that just doubles the healing energy and touch you will experience.
About Paul McCurdy
Paul and I have taught small and larger classes together for more than 5 years now. We have both studied Neo-Tantra, Energy maturity and responsibility, consent work, Trauma work, and the work of the Masculine and Feminine Polarity. These things are considered ‘relationship’ skills, and can inform and enhance your ability to communicate, touch, and receive in ways that will add dramatically to the success of your partnership. We also have personal experience with monogamy and polyamory, and are happy to share the wisdom and pitfalls of the range of love and relationship choices.
Private and Semi-Private
Here are a couple of short videos of Paul and I talking about
how we view energy, love, and connection.